From time immemorial, the wise have saught the ultimate truth. In ancient Bharata, the Land of the Nobles, the Vedic Seers delved deep into the glory of the unpercievable world. They returned with the immortal verses of the Veda. Yet, due to the passage of time, most of the philosophical parts have dissappeared, leaving only the ritualistic portion. The philosophical conclusions to the Veda are found in the Upanishads. The teachings therein are referred to as the teachings of Vedanta. Due to the highly incomprehendable nature of the subject matter (God!), an incarnation known as Sri Veda Vyasa descended upon the earth at the beginning of Kali Yuga and composed the Vedanta Sutras:- the Aphorisms on the Supreme.
In this day and age, assailed with useless knowledge and an incapacity of focusing on one topic for any useful length of time, the five main Sampradaya Pravartaka Acharyas (the Founding Acharyas of the Five main Vedantic traditions or Sampradayas) provided the main interpretations upon which even a dullard like myself may be able to comprehend the timeless teachings of the ancient Seers regarding the one unifying principle – Parabrahman – God Almighty.
Four of the main Sampradaya Pravartaka Acharyas are Vaishnava: Sri Nimbarkacharya (6th Century BCE), Ramanuja (11th Century CE), Madhva (13th Century CE) and Vallabha (16th Century). Sri Shankaracharya (6th Century BCE) is Smarta (a monist philosophy focused on approaching the Lord through initially pantheism and then monism).
All the Vedantic Sampradayas were established by the Lord Himself, representing the many valid views that He has allowed us to view Him. The strength of Vedic Dharma is that it is a synthesis of completely different philosophies which work (mostly) in harmony to preserve the scripturally endorsed science of the Lord against the superstitious multitude which have sprung up for their own fame and profit.
Shri Golok Dham Ashram is the name for the Monastery and Mandir complex founded by His Divine Grace ‘Dharmaratna’ Swami Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj at Vrindavana and recently at the new headquarters at Brijwasan, New Delhi.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj founded the Ashram with the view of disseminating the teachings of Vaishnavism throughout the world, with the Ashram serving as the locus for all activities. With the grace of his own Gurudev, Param Gurudev Swami Shri Lalita Sharan Devacharya of the Sri Radha Gopal Mandir, Bihari Ji Ki Bageechi, Vrindavan, and the Grace of Thakur Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan, the Ashram provides for the spiritual needs of all visitors.
(Mandir – Shri Radhagolokavihari Bhagavan, Shri Golok Dham Ashram, New Delhi, India)
His Divine Grace, ‘Dharmaratna’ Swami Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj recieved the inspiration for this wonderful complex from the Lord with a view to blessing the devotees with an earthly manifestation of the eternal Nitya Dham Shri Goloka-Vrindavana of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Krsna (known at this Ashram as Sri Sri Radha Golokavihari Ji).
The various facilities at the Ashram include the following:-
(Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan with Lalita and Vishakha Sakhis)
Here in the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Lord is manifest in His eternal glory, accompanied by the Asta Sakhis – Lalita, Vishakha, Rangadevi, Sudevi, Indulekha, Chitralekha, Tungavidya and Champaklata – the epitome of devotion. This is the eternal form of the Lord which Bhagavan Nimbarka revealed as the Scripturally endorsed form of God. Sri Sri Radha Krsna jointly is the original, purest and ultimate Supreme Personality of God. Nimbarkas teachings were given to him by his own Guru, Sri Sri Narada Muni, the foremost propagator of Devotion. True to the teachings of the Sampradaya, Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj has enthroned the Lord, seated together, served by the 8 Main Sakhis who each represent the pinnacle of devotion. In this recent picture, a closeup of the Lord has included only Lalita and Vishakha Sakhis…. rest assured the remaining Sakhis are there!
Shri Sharaneshwari Vaishnavi Durga Devi
As per the teachings of the 17th Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya, Swami Shri Keshava Kashmiri Bhattacharya Maharaj (13th Century CE), the outer energy of the Lord is Durga Devi, who appeared in the Leela of Shri Radha Krsna as his older sister Shri Yogamaya Devi. She represents the Mula Prakriti or material nature in which we are all immersed. She is also the energy behind the Sacred Mula Mantra of this Sampradaya. While normal Smarta Hindus worship her for the sake of material benefits, Nimbarka Sampradaya teaches that we must offer her and the other exalted Vaisnava Deities worship using the Prasadam of Shri Radha Krsna, so that she may bless us with increased devotion to the feet of Shri Shri Radha Krsna.
Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan and Shri Amaranidhi Hanuman Ji Maharaj
Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan is the 8th Century incarnation of the Sudarshana Chakra of Bhagavan Shri Krsna. He is the propagator of Svabhavika Dvaitadvaita Siddhanta Philosophy – the principle of natural unity in diversity. The Sudarshana Chakra is none other than a manifestation of Aniruddha Vyuha, which is none other than an emanation of Shri Krsna Himself, which further exemplifies the unity in diversity principle. He is also the incarnation of Rangadevi Sakhi, who is an emanation of Shrimati Radha Rani. The two are present in the body of Sri Nimbarka. When he taught the philosophy of the scriptures as it is, he proved to all that the only worshippable Lord is Sri Sri Radha Krsna – the first time the Lord was worshipped as this unified dual principle. Centuries before Sri Ramanujacarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Vallabhacharya, Bhagavan Shri Nimbarkacharya taught that the root of salvation lies in the perfect devotion to the Lotus feet of the Lord Sri Sri Radha Krsna. Being the founding personality of our Sampradaya, Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj has installed Sri Nimbarkacharya in order that our intelligence is awakened by the light of the Sudarshana Chakra to the devotion of the Lord as the highest path (as elucidated by the Lord Himself in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita).
Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj is the leader of Vaisnava devotees, being the partial incarnation of Lord Shiva. He exemplifies devotion in Daasya Bhaava – the feelings of servitude as shown in the Ramayana by his service to Lord Sri Ramacandra. He is also the patron protector of the Vaisnavas – riding on the chariot of Sri Arjuna and Bhagavan Sri Krsna during the battle of the Mahabharata to protect the vehicle from the neuclear missiles, and also scaring off the Islamic fundamentalists led by Mahmud Ghazni as they attacked Shridham Vrindavana in the middle ages. As per the instructions of the Sampradaya, Sri Hanuman Ji is offered remnants of the offerings to the Lord Almighty, as he is the representative of all the Vaisnavas – and a benediction is saught: May he bless us with unflinching devotion to the Lotus feet of the Supreme.
Shri Shiva Shankara Bhagavan is non-different to the Lord. He represents the emanation controlling the regulation of living entities, and also represents the principle of the Spritual Master – as it is from Lord Shiva’s lotus mouth that we hear the Ramayana and the Pancharatra scriptures for the first time. He is also the protector of Vrindavana and the only deity to gain entry into the eternal Rasa Lila as Gopishvara Mahadeva. By His grace, one can understand the more subtle principles of Vedanta and Devotional Philosophy. By His grace, a simpleton can become a great devotee – so we worship Lord Shiva in order that he bless us to become true devotees of the Lord. Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj has installed the Lord as Sharaneshvara – the Lord of all those who are called ”Sharana” (those who are initiated into Nimbarka Sampradaya are given a spiritual name with the appelation Sharana – one who seeks the shelter of the Lord). Sharaneshwara is therefore the Lord of all the Nimbarka Sampradaya’s disciples – and with His grace, we gain the correct knowledge which allows the proper execution of the devotional principles.
Yajnashala – Sacrificial Pavillion
The Yajnashala is constructed according to the dimensions laid out in the Yajurveda, and the Yajnashala’s Havan Kund is more than 6ft deep. Daily Homa’s are conducted with the Sacred Mula Gopala Mantra for the pleasure of the Divine Couple Shri Radha Krsna, who pervades the Vedas, and is thus pleased with Vedic Sacrifices. Only the best grains and ghee (made from the milk of the Ashrams own cows) are offered here to the accompaniment of Vedic Mantras by our Brahmacharis. On special occasions, the Yajnashala transforms into a scene from by-gone Vedic eras, with expert Vedic Vaisnava Brahmanas performing great Mahayajnas on a yearly basis. So far, the Ashram has held Sri Sudarsana Mahayajna, Sri Gopala Mahayajna, Sri Rudra Yajna, Sri Saraneshvari Mahayanja, Sri Shatachandi Mahayajna and Sri Krsna Mahayajna.
Sri Sadgurudeva’s love for the respected Gau Mata is manifested in the Shri Hari Gaushala, in which more than 20 Cows and their offspring are cared for. Milk is only taken from the cows once their calfs have had their fill of their mothers milk, the rest is used by the Ashram for offering to Sri Sri Radhagolokavihari Ji Bhagavan. Buttermilk, Ghee, Yoghurt and hot Milk are all offered to the Lord daily – whether through Havan or through the sumptuous bhoga offerings. Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj comes daily to the Gaushala at 4am in order to have darshana of Gau Mata, and feed her ‘Gur’ – or jaggery (her favorite!). His personal observation is that just by caring for the cow; by feeding her, petting her, arranging for her care, we can all feel a little bit closer to the divine. At the very least, he assures us that our stresses can be forgotten in her presence – very, very true!
Swami Sri Govinda Dev Giri Ji (Sri Kishora Vyasa) with Brahmacharis and Devotees, March 18th 2008
Through the boundless grace of Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the provision for the education, boarding and lodging of over 20 Brahmacharis has been arranged, and the Brahmacharis are devoted to serving the Lord and his Ashram. On many occasions, great Saints of India bless the Brahmacharis through their lectures and books. Devotees who visit the Ashram are always warmly welcomed and attended to by the Brahmacharis (all of whom are Vaisnava Brahmanas) – even though their social status is very esteemed. This is because in the eyes of the Lord, we are all equal, and more importantly, we are all one family. Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj is most benevolent, as most Brahmacharis were in unfortunate circumstances before their admission into Sri Golok Dham. Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj ki Jay!
Shri Sant Nivas, Gurudeva’s Kutir and Bhakta Nivasa
Sri Sadgurudev Ji’s influence is not only present in India, but worldwide. Whenever devotees from out of Delhi and overseas visit the Ashram they are given a clean, comfortable room in the Bhakta Nivasa, comprising of three floors and more than 20 rooms. The Ashram is a monestary, and devotees are always willing to make sure that the rooms are left in the tidy manner they were found. The rooms have been kindly sponsored by many families, and the hope is that eventually, devotees will take up residence for parts of the year at the Ashram to facilitate their spiritual progress. Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj resides in the Kutir, where the office, audience hall and a rasoi are housed. Also, the Santa Nivas is found on the top floor, providing residence for visiting Swamis. Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’s Bhajan Goopha is located in the basement where his personal deities are privately worshipped, and his own Sadhanas can be practised in tranquility. He finishes his Puja at around 10am, after which he recieves all visiting devotees in the audience hall.
This year, as a part of the 4th Patotsavam (anniversary festival), Sri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja had invited His Holiness Acharya Swami Shri Govindadeva Giri Ji, of Dharma Shree, Puna ( to bless us all with a 9 day recounting of the Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam which was broadcast live on Aastha TV worldwide.
(Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja with Swami Shri Govindadeva Giri Ji Maharaja on 9th March 2008)
Swami Govindadeva Giri Ji Maharaja is an exceptional Saint who truly is devoted to the Guru, Shastra and Bhagavan. His eloquence, intelligence, style devotion and dedication to Vaidika Sanatana Dharma is exceptional amongst Saints in India. It was truly God and Guru’s choicest blessings that we were afforded the chance to wallow in the river of purifying bliss that is the discourses of Swami Ji on the Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam.
The festival began with Phulera Dooja – the anniversary of the appearance day of Sri Sri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaj in New Delhi. The day commenced with Abhishekam of the deities in the sanctum sanctorum, followed by Aarati and Prarthana. Then the Lord was taken joyously out on Procession throughout the grounds of the Ashram.
Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaja begins His sojourn through the Ashram’s extensive grounds
The Ratha headed around the perimeter of the Ashram in a Parikrama fashion until it reached the Gaushalla, where the Lord enjoyed watching the Gau Puja performed on a few new-born calves. All the devotees enjoyed being blessed by Gau Mata!
Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaja begins His sojourn through the Ashram’s extensive grounds
The Ratha headed around the perimeter of the Ashram in a Parikrama fashion until it reached the Gaushalla, where the Lord enjoyed watching the Gau Puja performed on a few new-born calves. All the devotees enjoyed being blessed by Gau Mata!
Gau Pujanam – offering our respects to the origin of our Sustenance – the Cow.
After the Ratha Yatra left the Gaushala back towards the Mandir, the fervour and joy of the devotees increased with lovely kirtan and dancing along the route. Once the Lord had been escorted back inside the Mandir, the great occasion of the Anniversary Mahapuja began.
Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja and Swami Shri Govindadeva Giri Ji Maharaja offered 1008 Tulasi Manjaris and 1008 Lotus Flowers to the Lotus feet of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaja for their pleasure. The 1000 names of the Lord from the Shri Gopala Sahasranamam were read out by the accompanying Pandits of Swamiji, from his Ashram in Pune.
After that, the special Raj Bhoga aarati was performed by Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja and Swami Ji Maharaja, much to the delight of the devout followers present.
Shrita-kamala-kucha-mandala Dhrita-kundala e!Kalita-lalita-vana-mala Jaya Jayadeva Hare!! –
Aarati Sung daily for the Lord; written by the 12th Century Nimbarki from Orissa, the famous, Sri Jayadeva Kavi.
The evening programme started with the beginning of the Katha which would continue the following day and every day after that in the morning from 10AM to 1PM, broadcast live from the Ashram around the world on Astha TV.
Shri Swami Ji Maharaja on the final day of the Katha handing out Prasadam to all the devotees.
Everyday we were treated to the wondrous pastimes of the illusory potency of the Lord. Yogamaya, Durga Devi, Vaishnavi Mata – all names for the Bahiranga Shakti we know as Maya. In this Purana, which accepts Shri Krsna as the Supreme God Almighty, the accounts are given about the Devi and her activities in a former Kalpa; previous to the age described by the Shrimad Bhagavatam. It was nice to see what went on in the former ages, and how the most beneavolent Devi saved those who saught her shelter, and also how she served the Lord. Shri Krsna Janma also was celebrated as the topic came up in the Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam. Shiva Paarvati Vivaha – the wedding of Shri Uma Maheshvara was also celebrated, as was Shri Durga Puja. The Katha was and remains an unforgettable experience, and we are deeply grateful to Swami Ji Maharaja.
Please click on the following thumbnails to get the ‘bigger picture’!
Shri Krishna Janma in Devi Bhagavat Katha – Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj does Archana to Sri Bala Mukunda Bhagavan
Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan Ashta Sakhi Sahita
On a hot and sultry July morning in New Delhi, the festivities for Shri Guru/Vyasa Purnima Mahotsava were celebrated at Shri Golok Dham Ashram. On the 18th of July, devotees from near and far converged on the Ashram to celebrate and give thanks to the Lord for the great blessings of a Guru in our lives.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj only allows Puja by devotees to Him on this one day in the year, as these are the orders from Shastra – on this one day of the year, all disciples of Guru’s should show special reverence for their Guru, the ambassador of the Shastras on the earth.
After the Stotra Paath and Bhajans of Shringar Aarti, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj graced the Vyaasaasan from 9am and stayed recieving Puja from eager devotees until Rajbhog Aarti at 12.30pm. Devotees from India and abroad all faithfully offered their thanks to Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the traditional way, for the priceless gifts of guidance and blessings that Shri Sadgurudev Ji showers us with throughout our lives.
Puja to Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj by the Ashram Pujaris
It is quite strenuous for anyone to sit in one place for such a long time… add 42degC heat, thousands of devotees doing puja continuously and you have an untolerable situation. Not for Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj – he sat patiently recieving the Pujas in honour of His own Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, Swami Shri Lalita Sharan Devacharya who left this material world for the heavenly abode three years ago on this festival.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj enthroned on the Vyasasan, behind which Shri Param Gurudev Maharaj is continuously giving him blessings.
Apart from recieving personal blessings from Shri Sadguruji in the form of Mahaprasadam, devotees who know the proper method of offering Puja also got a chance to partake of Liquid Bliss – charanamrita of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj
Liquid Mercy in the Making – Shri Guru Charana Puja
The event was wonderfully managed with Mahaprasadam for all devotees following the conclusion of the festival. Pt. Vishnu Datta Sharma of Rohtak, now resident in Oakville, Canada, came to add his Bhajans and Keertans as his special offering to Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj. After all the Puja was completed, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj gave Pravachan on the glories of His Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and the necessity of Guru, Shastra and Sampraday on the way back to God.Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj Ki JAY!
The saints of the Nimbarka Sampradaya are of the highest calibre ever to have graced the earth with their lotus footprints. Among them, Swami Shri Shribhatta, Swami Harivyasa Devacharya and Swami Shri Haridas Ji were most enlightened and God realised. They were also Nitya Lila Pravishta (had entered into the nitya lilas) before leaving their bodies. What they saw they recorded in the Yugala Shataka, Mahavani and Keli Maal respectively.
The Lord Almighty delightfully passes the time from Hariyali Teej to Raksha Bandhan Purnima seated on a swing in the evening, and beautiful Padas from the above three works on ‘Hindora, or Jhula’ are sung.
Shri Golok Dham Ashram, along with all the Vaisnava Mandirs celebrated this festival with zeal. Below are some glimpses of the heavenly scenes:
Bhagavan Bal Mukund!
Shri Krishna Janmashtami is one of the most eagerly awaited festivals of the Vaisnava calendar. The Lord Almighty Shri Shri Radha Krishna separated and incarnated for the sake of reinvigourating the principles of righteousness.
Shri Golok Dham Ashram in New Delhi sees vast numbers of devotees for Darshan during the evening and especially for Midnight Aarti, Darshan and Maakhan-Mishri, Panjiri-Charanamrita Prasadam.
This year, therefore, there were two Abhishekas – one in the morning and one just before midnight. The one in the morning was sponsored by Shri Shrawan and Sunita Devi Poddar of Glasgow, U.K. and the Lord sat in a special Bathing Altar for the Abhishek performed by Shri Hariprasad Ji Shastri through the Lotus Hands of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
Following the Abhishek, 1008 tulasi leaves were offered to the Lord with the Gopala Sahasra Naamaavalih, after which Raj Bhog was offered with the morning events concluded with Aarati.
In the evening after uttaapan, arrangements were made for the vast numbers of devotees, and at 4pm Akhand Harinam Sankeertan of the Yugala Mahamantra RADHE KRISHNA RADHE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA RADHE RADHE, RADHE SHYAM RADHE SHYAM SHYAM SHYAM RADHE RADHE – was chanted until midnight by Gaudiya Vaisnava Keertaniyas from Vrindavan.
Shri Bholanath Mishra, a renowned classical singer, entertained the Lord with soulful Padas from Shri Shribhatta, Swami Harivyasa, Shri Surdas and Shrimati Meera Baai. He was accompanied by wonderful Pakhawaj and tabla.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj gave a short discourse on the glories of this holy festival, followed by the singing of ‘Bhaae Pragata Gopala Deena Dayaalaa, Yashomati Ke Hitakaari’ at midnight. The doors opened to reveal a wonderful darshan of Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan in their Solid Gold crowns, with Shri Laddu Gopal Ji in the Jhula for darshan.
By the end of the night, 25,000 devotees had darshan and 5,000 stayed for the midnight aarti and partook of Maakhan, Mishri, Panjiri and Charanamrita Prasadam.
For those volunteers, police officers, security, brahmacharies, karmacharies and devotees who stayed on to help clear up, the Nandotsav celebrations were held at 3am following closing up the Mandir after the midnight rush. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj caused untold bliss for all who were there.
Have a look at the pictures below, and a couple of video clips of the evening.
Jay Shri Radhe!!!
From the 18th February 2009 until the 25th February 2009, Shri Golok Dham Ashram was the venue for a 7 day Shrimad Bhagavata Katha Saptaah delivered by Shri Maluka Pithadhishwara Swami Shri Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj (Shri Maluka Pith, Vamshivata,Vrindavan).
Every day, hundreds of devotees offered their rapt attention to the most wonderful Katha delivered by Swami Shri Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj. Whereas we have all heard Shrimad Bhagavatam from various Kathaa-Vachakas, and indeed we have read the Purana ourselves, there is a world of difference to be experienced when we listen to the Katha from the lotus mouth of a Highly Scholarly Devoted Tapasvi Sannyasi Vaishnava Sadhu, who together with his rigorous Sadhana, strict adherance to Vaishnava regulations, daily study of scripture also manages to spread the name of the Lord through such wonderful lectures, and also supports the protection of more than 5000 cows that were headed for slaughter.
All in attendance were in awe at the wonderful presentation of our Lord’s glories. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj has deep respect for Shri Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj, and thus invited him to preside over the 7 days session that led up to the 5th anniversary festivals.
on the 26th February 2o09, the 5th anniversary celebrating Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ashta Sakhi Sahita descending into Shri Golok Dham Ashram in New Delhi all the way back on Phulera Dooj day in 2004 began. In the morning after Shringar Aarati, devotees participated in a Ratha Yatra around the Ashram grounds, Gau Puja and ecstatic keertans which was followed by Maha Abhisheka, 108 Tulasi, Rose and Lotus flower offerings and Raj Bhog Aarati in the Mandir. In the evening, the ‘Pragya Chakshu’ Dance troupe from Bangalore (a group of blind expert Bharat Natyam Performers) performed for Thakur Ji. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj saw their wonderful performance in Newcastle’s Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mahayagya the year before, and being impressed at their perseverance even though marred by a sever physical handicap, invited them to perform for the Lord on the Anniversary day.
The next day, 27th February 2009, saw Shri Gopala Yagya in the Morning, followed by the Vishaal Bhandara or Grand Feast in which more than 15,000 devotees from villiages around the Ashram came and partook of Prasadam of Bhagavan Ji.
On the 28th, devotees and Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj left to take the Yagyanta Snaana in the Ganga at Haridwar.
All in all, devotees had one of the most wonderful experiences at this year’s Patotsavam.
Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan Ji Ki Jay!
Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan Ki JAY!
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj Ki JAY!!!
The Visually Challenged Performers show their wonderful Bharata Natyam talents to the Lord and devotees
The 6th anniversary of the appearance of Bhagavan Shri Shri Radha Golokvihari Ji at Shri Golok Dham Ashram, New Delhi, was celebrated this year with Shri Amarnidhi Hanuman Ji Yagya.
Maha Shivaratri was celebrated per Vaisnava norms on the 12th of February 2010 with night long Rudrabhishekam which was led by Acharya Pt. Shri Hariprasad Shastri Ji from Vrindavan. Accompanying him were Pt. Phanindra Ji, Shri Krishna Sharan Ji and other Brahmacharis from the Ashram. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj participated in the Pujas, and the proceedings concluded nicely at 6am the next day with a wonderful Aarati. Golok Dham’s devotees participated, with a few even staying up the whole night with the Pandits and Brahmacharis to offer their devotion to the Lord of all Vaishnavas, Shri ‘Sharaneshwara’ Mahadev (Lord Gopishwara).
Festivities commenced the day after Shri Mahashivaratri with a 3 day Hanuman Gyan Yagya led by the scholar, Shri Anurag Krishna Pathak Ji from Shridham Vrindavan. He delivered wonderful afternoon discourses on the devotional character of Shri Hanumanji as well as the reason for a prevalence of Hanuman Ji devotion amongst Vaishnavas of Vrindavan. The tale of Shri Hanuman Ji roaring from his deity at Sinhapura, Vrindavan to protect Vrindavan from a Moghul assault in the middle ages renewed people’s faith in the power of Shri Hanuman Ji. Before the evening lectures, in the morning there was an actual Hanuman Ji Yagya, conducted under the leadership of Acharya Pandit Hariprasad Shastri of Vrindavan. Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj was worshipped with ahutis over the three days in the traditional Shukla-Yajurvedic manner.
This day continued as the previous day did with Havan in the morning and lectures in the evening, but the evening was made just a little more special by a very devoted disciple of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, Smt. Neeru Puri Ji, who invited the world-renowned classical singer of the Varanasi-Gharana, Pt. Shri Chhanulaal Mishra, who proceeded to enthrall the crowd with his mastery of music. His musical expertise however played second fiddle to his devotion, which was evident in the Padas he chose to sing. Later, he revealed to us that he worships Shri Shaligram Ji daily, and adheres to a strict Vaishnava diet and lifestyle – this pleased Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj greatly, as sadly modern singers have a penchant for singing even devotional music only after downing a few glasses of alcohol and a few mouthfuls of meat.
The grand day of Phulera Dooj is the actual anniversary day of the Lord, and as such, Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan was taken out in the form of his Utsava deities in a chariot procession accompanied by Keertan and dancing devotees around the Ashram. The event was graced also by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji from Shri Gautameshvar Mahadev Mandir in Sihor, Gujerat; Swami Shri Anant Das Tyagi Ji from Shri Goredau Ji Mandir, Vrindavan and all the way from Shrishaileshwara, Acharya Pt. Shri Deshmukh Ji, the Head priest of Shri Mallikarjuna Jyotirlingam. Together with Acharya Pt. Hariprasad Shastri Ji, and all the devotees, it was really a divine gathering. The Ratha made its way to the Gaushala, where Gau Puja was performed. Afterwards, the Lord enjoyed watching a Nand Utsava, where Prasadi money and sweets were showered into the crowd of enthusiastic devotees. Following this, the Lord returned to the Mandir amidst a shower of flowers, where the Abhishekam with 1000-dhara’s was performed with the Sa-svara Paatha, Ghanapaatha, Jataa Paatha styles of reciting the Shukla Yajurveda by the masterful Pt. Deshmukhji. After this, the Lord recieved offerings of 1008 lotus flowers, rose flowers and tulasi leaves from the hands of the original Yajmaans through Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji. Raaj Bhog aarti and Prasadam concluded the morning.
The evening saw the conclusion of the Hanuman Ji Gyan Yagya, as well as the release of a new publication of the Sundarkand by the Golok Parikar, Canada devotees of the Sundarkand Ladies Group. Following this the main event: HOLI!!! A celebration of Holi was held with Rasiyas being sung by Chaubey Ji from Vrindavan. After the flower petals and kesar water were offered to God, then the whole temple room erupted in a multicolour shower of rose and marigold petals. All devotees participated and even Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and Swamiji joined in. It was a wonderful end to the Anniversary day of the Lord.
Tuesday morning saw 1000 school children from the Heera Public School in Samalka visit the Ashram as per Guruji’s wishes. He blessed them, and gave each of them a diary for 2010 with inspirational Dharmic messages, as well as Prasadam. They then were the first to eat at the Ashram’s yearly Grand Feast. After them, another 17,000 people were served Prasadam of Puri, Sabji, Chatni & Laddo from 10am till 5pm. Devotees helped out by serving, and many remarked about the feeling of contentment that is experienced from serving fellow humankind.
The next day, as per the arrangements made by the Canadian devotee Shrimati Krishnakinkari Dasi Ji (Shrimati Kala Mata), Shri Sadgurudev Ji and a group of devotees left for Vrindavan in order to provide a feast for the blind Sadhus and Keertaniyas of Vrindavan. On arrival, Shri Sadgurudev Ji went to have Darshan of the Lord of our hearts, Shri Shri Baanke Bihari Ji Bhagavan. He then took all the devotees to have darshan of the Kumbh Mela held in Vrindavan concurrently with the one in Haridwar. (About 100 years ago, the Kumbh was announced to be held in Haridwar, yet the local sadhus forbade any Vaishnavas from entering. In response, they organised a similar Kumbh on the banks of the Yamuna in Vrindavan, and more people turned up there than Haridwar! Since then, whenever there is a Haridwar Kumbh, one in Vrindavan also occurs).
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj firstly went and performed Shri Yamuna Maharani’s Puja from a boat near Keshi Ghat with all the devotees. Afterwards, they went to SHRI NIMBARK NAGAR, the Tent City of the Nimbarka Sampradaya at the event where Shri Kanhaiyalal Ji’s Raas Mandali was giving darshan as Shri Shri Radha Raasvihari Ji. Having worshipped them, Shri Sadgurudev Ji made his way to the 51-Havan Kund Shri Gopal Mahayagya organised by Acharya Pt. Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri and his son Acharya Pt. Shri Mridul Kant Shastri Ji of Vrindavan Dhaam, which had been ongoing for over 100 days. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj also offered his devotions to the Shri Gopal Yantra, and made offerrings into the main Yagyakunda with the revered Shri Gopal Mantra. He was traditionally welcomed by Shastri Ji and his family and Shri Sadgurudev Ji blessed them. He was given a tour around the other activities organised by them – the continuous keertan of Shri Yugal Mahamantra (Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna Krishna Krishna Radhe Radhe, Radhe Shyaam Radhe Shyaam Shyaam Shyaam Radhe Radhe) by 108 Bhajananandi ladies; the 18 Puran Paath by scholars and to a tent showcasing local Vraja arts and traditions.
All in all, it was a wonderful festival. Below are the pictures of the festivals for your viewing devotional pleasure!
click on the thumbnails to see the ”Bigger Picture”
During the period of Jhula Mahotsava 2010, two very special events occurred at Shri Golok Dham Ashram Vrindavan.
Visit of Mahamandaleshwara Swami Shri Gurusharananand Ji Maharaj, Pithadhishwar of Raman Reti, Gokul.
Swami Shri Gurusharananand Ji is presently the presiding Acharya over the Ashram complex at Shri Raman Reti in Gokul, a holy spot in Vraja for all Vaishnavas – where Shri Krishna, Shri Balaram and the other Gops used to play in the soft sands. Maharaj is extremely scholarly and divinely radient. He and Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj were in Banaras at the same time during their studenthood and as such have remained divine friends.
As such, Swami Shri Gurusharananand Ji Maharaj visited Shri Golok Dham Ashram along with three other senior Sadhus of his Ashram. They performed an elaborate Puja of Bhagavan Shri Sharaneshwara Mahadev before proceeding to have darshan of the other deities in Shri Golok Dham Ashram before having Darshan of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan. Afterwards Maharaj ji had Satsang with Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and then honoured Maha Prasadam before returning to Shri Raman Reti.
Samaj Gayan at Shri Golok Dham Ashram by 11 renounced Saints of the Nimbarka Tradition.
Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya has a long tradition of Samaj Gayan, which is the traditional congregational singing of the divine Padas written by the Acharyas of the Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya. It is sung in the most ancient style of music which is comparable to the Dhrupada Genre of classical Indian music.
This music style originated from Shri Narad Muni, the Guru of Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan. It was popularised throughout India by Swami Shri Haridas Ji, the Sangeet Guru of Mian Tansen and Baiju Bawra and renowned saint of Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya in the 15th Century. Before him, Shri Jayadev Kavi Ji Maharaj, the author of Shri Gitagovinda (in Orissa) made the style famous as it is highly conducive to devotional experience and expression of divine love to God.
The Padas that are sung were written down by the disciples of the founder of Vraj Bhasha Devotional Poetry to God, in the late 14th Century, Swami Shri Shribhatta Ji Maharaj. Shribhatt Ji was the highest category of Vaishnava saint – he daily had Darshan and interaction with the Divine Couple in Shri Vrindavan Dham. Before Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to Vrindavan, Swami Shri Shribhatta and his disciples would come in the mornings and begin their worship. In the evening they would leave, and return to their Ashram in Mathura, as no Vaishnava would want to pollute the Holy Dham. Only after Shri Chaitanya Ji came to Vrindavan did people begin to live there permanently.
Swami Shri Shribhatta would enter into meditation on Vanshi Vata in Vrindavan and would listen to what the Sakhis would sing to the Lord in the Nityalila. He would sing this and his disciples would record them. The collection of these padas is known as the Aadivaani Shri Yugala Shatak, in which all the leelas of the Lord are detailed.
His disciple, and the next Jagadguru of the Nimbarka Sampradaya, Swami Shri Harivyasa Devacharya Ji Maharaj, in the early 15th Century in Vrindavan, composed the Mahavani in the same manner. This compilation of Padas is regarded throughout the Vaishnava world as the highest Rasas of devotion. Indeed these compositions are sung by members of all Vaishnava traditions.
By singing these compositions to the Lord, many thousands of devotees have experienced the highest devotional bliss. So, for the pleasure of the Lord Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj arranged for the Samajis (the Saints who sing the Padas) to stay at the Ashram during the Jhoola Mahotsav of the Lord so that the wonderful Jhula-related Padas could be sung for Their pleasure.
Please click on the thumbnails below for the bigger picture.
To celebrate the 5106th appearance anniversary of Bhagavan Shri Nimbarkacharya Ji Maharaj, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj organised a 5-day Shri Golok – Nimbarka Sammelan to which many well known saintly personalities came and gave their blessings. It was also broadcast live on Aastha Television.
Day one, the 17th November 2010 saw a huge, unexpected rain storm which threatened to disrupt proceedings, however with the blessings of Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the first day was completed successfully with the audience drenched, but refreshed by the teachings of the Vedanta Kamadhenu Dashashloki which is a ten-verse summary of the Vedantic philosophy written by Jagadguru Shri Nimbarkacharya Bhagavan for the sake of the devotees of God.
Day two, 18th November:- the 48th and present Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya, Anant Shri Vibhushit Swami Shri Radhasarveshvara Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj, arrived at Shri Golok Dham Ashram and gave his blessings from the Acharya Peetha (the Silver Throne of the Jagadguru Nimbarkacharyas). In attendance also were Shri Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Shri Palaniswami of Hinduism Today renown from the Kauaii Aadheenam in Hawaii USA. They also gave a lecture on the similarities of the philosophy of Shaivism with Shri Nimbarkacharya’s Vaishnavism. They then presented Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj with the award of Hindu of the Year 2009, which Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj presented in the service of the Nimbarka Sampradaya and Hindu Dharma at the feet of the Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya Shri Shriji Maharaj.
Day three, 19th November:- The famous stalwart of Sanatan Dharma, Udaaseen Kaarshni Mahamandaleshwara Swami Shri Gurusharananand Ji Maharaj from Raman Reti, Gokul, Mathura was chief guest today and he gave a wonderful talk on devotion. Shri Bodhinatha Swami ji also gave his blessings, giving a wonderful message for today’s Hindus worldwide.
Day four:- 20th November 2010: Swami Shri Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj (formerly Acharya Shri Kishor Vyas ji) from Pune and Acharya Shri Bal Krishna Ji (Patanjali Yogapeeth, Haridwar – with Swami Ramdev Ji) both gave their blessings and good wishes on this day. Swami Ramdev Ji sent his best wishes as he had already begun his Bharateeya Swaabhimaan Yaatraa to raise the cause of Sanatan Dharma with the general population of India, and so Acharya Shri Bal Krishna Ji Maharaj gave blessings also on his behalf. Swami Shri Govind Dev Giriji Maharaj eloquently praised Bhagavan Shri Nimbarkacharya’s contribution to Satya Sanatan Dharma and Vaishnaism, whilst also sharing his views on the work that Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj is doing, lauding his efforts. Also in attendance was Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati of Gautameshwar Mahadev Mandir in Sihor, Gujerat; the most learned Scholar of Shrimad Bhagavatam in the whole of India, from whom most of today’s Bhagavat Katha-kars have learnt, Acharya Pt. Shri Yadunandan Ji Shastri; and a few other saints who all gave their blessings too.
Day five, 21st November, Kaartik Purnima and Shri Nimbarka Jayanti Divas:- On this last day, the Vedanta Kamadhenu Dashashloki was summarised, followed by blessings from Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati, and then from Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj. Finally, Shri Jagadananda Das Ji from Vrindavan Today News gave a talk in which he encouraged all to become aware of the plight of the places of pilgrimage, especially Vrindavan and the deteriorating condition of Shri Yamuna Ji’s physical incarnation. He rightly reminded all that these places are our main centres of spirituality and it is the duty of all Hindus, Vaishnavas and devotees of the Lord to serve these places by keeping them clean and making them more conducive to the saadhana of devotees rather than needs of materialist builders and tourism developers. It is especially the duty of Nimbarkis to serve their Dhaam, as this is the place which Bhagavan Nimbarkacharya focused his devotion; this is the place which all of the Acharya’s of our line up to Shri Parashuram Devacharya Ji Maharaj based their Saadhanaa and after Parashuram Devacharya Ji Maharaj, this remains the centre of our spirituality. Indeed our Swami Shri Haridas Ji Maharaj caused the incarnation of Shri Banke Bihari Ji right in Vrindavan Dham. So it is our duty to maintain the spirituality of the Dhaam and help its inhabitants to stay fixed on the path of Spirituality by supporting and providing logistical help to spiritual activities and spiritual seekers as opposed to only helping developers and industrialists.
Every day commenced with the Puja and Archana of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan and on the last day, a Shri Sudarshan Yagya was held to commemorate the incarnation of Shri Rangadevi & Sudarshan Chakra as Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan. In the evening of the 21st a Shri Tulsi-Shaligram Vivah was held to celebrate this holy festival, bringing proceedings to a successful close.
Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan Ki JAY!
Shri Golok Dham Ashram celebrated Shri Guru Purnima Mahotsav with wonderful festivities.
However celebrations had commenced a few days before with Shri Sadgurudev Ji visiting Vrindavan Dham in order to perform Puja to his own Guruji, Nityalila Pravishta, Parama Gurudev Swami Shri Lalita Sharan Devacharya. This is the 6th year in which Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj had to celebrate Shri Guru Purnima in the physical absence of his own Guru Maharaj.
He visited Shri Radha Gopal Mandir, Shri Bihariji Ki Bageechi, where Paramagurudev Ji was the Mahant for over 50 years, being 51st in direct disciplic lineage from Bhagavan Shri Radha Krishna. He performed Puja to the Chitrapat of Parama Gurudev, and then offered his respects to the current Mahant of that place, Swami Shrikrishna Sharan Devacharya Ji.
On the day of Shri Guru Purnima itself, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj attended the Shringaar Aarati. This was followed by Guruji performing Puja to Bhagavan Shri Nimbarkacharya and all of the Acharyas of our Guru Parampara. Before Shri Sadgurudev Ji ascended the Sinhasana, he performed Puja to the form of Shri Parama Gurudev Ji Maharaj that is installed in the Ashram.
This was followed by the traditional Guru Puja as per Vedic instructions. Devotees from around the world offered their devotions to Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and the Guru Parampara.
After this, there were Bhajans, Keertans and Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan was adorned with flower decorations (Phool Bangla) and 56 bhog (Chhappan Bhog) together with Svarna Mukut Darshan.
All devotees observed Raajbhog Aarati with great devotional gusto and then everyone partook of Prasad. All in all it was a wonderful day to reflect on the wonders of the Sadguru. As Swami Shri Harivyasa Devacharya Ji Maharaj says ”Dhani Guru Jin Harinaama Sunaayau”
Jay Shri Radhe Shyam!
Shri Golok Dham Ashram, New Delhi Celebrates 7th Anniversary of Consecration
Shri Golok Dham Ashram celebrated its 7th anniversary with a 9 day Shri Shiva Mahapuran Katha, inspired by Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
During this time, Shri Mahashivaratri was celebrated with the usual night long 11 Rudrabhishekams as well as offering a Deepaka consisting of 125,000 wicks to Lord Shiva.
The Katha was delivered by Swami Shri Shuddhaatmananda Ji Maharaj from Vaijanath Dham in a wonderful manner. The Katha took place on the Verandah of the Mandir, in front of Shri Amarnidhi Hanuman ji – a wonderful setting for the divine leelas of Lord Shiva, the greatest Vaishnava.
On the last day, Phulera Dooj, which was the actual anniversary day, there was a Ratha Yatra, Gau Puja followed by Katha Purnahuti and Mahamrityunjaya Yagya Purnahuti. Then, Thakur Shri Shri Radhagolokavihariji Bhagavan was offered Abhisheka, 1008 Lotus and Tulasi offerings and then Chhappan Bhog Darshan. For the first time ever, Shri Sharaneshwara Mahadeva was dressed with the adornments of Shri Gopishwar Mahadev, and offered Chhappan Bhog of Thakurji’s Prasadam. The Utsav Aarati concluded a wonderful celebration. In the evening, devotees enjoyed a wonderful Raas Leela.
Radhe Radhe!
Parama Gurudeva Ji Maharaja with Sri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja in Vrindavana at Sri Radha Gopala Mandir, Bihari Ji Ki Bageechi.
Mandir Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaj
The most delightful forms of the Lord, Sri Sri Radha Golokavihari Ji Maharaja are enthroned in a humble Mandir and are served daily with devotion. Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja’s devotion can be seen manifest in the Lord’s accepting smile. Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan accepts the sincere pleas of the most fallen souls. Sri Radhagolokvihari Bhagavan Ki Jay!
Shivalaya – Shri Sharaneshvara Mahadeva
Shri Sharaneshvara Mahadeva with Shri Ganesh Ji, Shri Parvati Mata, Shri Kartikeya Ji and Shri Nandi Ji.
The worship of the Highest Vaisnava, Bhagavan Shri Gopeshvara Mahadeva Shiva Shankara is unavoidable for Vaisnavas. Indeed the Lord himself stated – ”Shiva Drohi Mama Bhagata Kahaavaa, So Nara Sapanehu Mohi Na Paavaa” (Ramacharitamanasa) – If a person claims to be my devotee yet is unfavourable to Lord Shiva – that person will never attain me, not even in his wildest dreams. It is thanks to Lord Shiva that us Vaisnavas know the details of the Lord’s worship and pastimes. It is by his grace that us lowly souls of Kali Yuga can be elevated to the status of Devotee Vaisnavas – thus are the teachings of our Sampradaya, reiterated time and time again by Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja.
Shri Amaranidhi Hanuman Ji’s Mandir(Shri Amaranidhi Hanuman Ji at Shri Golok Dham Ashram, Vrindavana)
Shri Amaranidhi Hanuman Ji Maharaja is the partial incarnation of the Highest Vaisnava, Lord Shiva. Whereas Lord Shiva represents the highest devotee in Madhurya Bhava (the most exalted sweetness of devotion), Shri Hanuman Ji epitomises the qualities of Daasya Bhava, the feeling of devotion through servitude of the Lord. He recieves the Prasadam of Shri Radha Krsna first and foremost due to his loyal service which he renders constantly – whether in protecting the chariot of Arjuna and Shri Krsna in the Mahabharata War, or in protecting Vrndavana from the morauding islamic terrorists who sacked Vrindavana and Mathura in the middle ages.
Brahmachari Ashram, Sant Kutir and Bhakta Nivasa(Shri Shyam Sharana Baba Ji, lovingly known as ‘Mahatma Ji’)
Shri Golok Dham Ashram in Vrindavan houses, feeds and educates around 20 Brahmacharis. There is also facilities for visiting devotees in the Bhakta Nivasa rooms, and there is Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja’s own residence. All of the provisioning for the Ashram is overseen by the Kothari Ji, Shri Shyam Sharan Ji. There is also a Gaushala in which 6 cows and their calfs are tended to, which provide all the dairy needs for the Ashram. The Ashram is also a very green area, with Bilva trees, Neem trees, Tamala trees, Tulasi gardens, Rose gardens, Jasmine, Ashoka trees and Kadamba trees. It really does remind one of being in the original Shridham Vrindavana.
-:-Shri Yugala Maha Mantra-:-
राधे कृष्ण राधे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण राधे राधे ।
राधे श्याम राधे श्याम, श्याम श्याम राधे राधे ।।
Radhe Krsna Radhe Krsna, Krsna Krsna Radhe Radhe.
Radhe Shyam Radhe Shyam, Shyam Shyam Radhe Radhe..
First there was the Abhishek and Vishesh Seva of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan followed by a wonderful programme of Samaaj Gaayan led by 16 Nimbarki Renounced Samaaji Sants who expertly and devotionally sung the timeless Padas of the 15th Century Jagadguru Nimbarkacharyas, Swami Shri Shribhatta and Swami Shri Harivyasa Devacharya Ji Maharaj, for the pleasure of the Divine Couple.
This was followed by speeches from Swami Shri Roop Kishor Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj of Shri Chain Bihariji’s Mandir, Vamshi Vata, and then from the most learned Pandit Pravar Shri Vaidyanath Jha, former headmaster of the Shri Nimbarka Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya in Vrindavan, who was the Vidya-Guru of our Param Gurudev Ji Maharaj and our Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
Finally Shri Sadgurudev Ji blessed all the devotees in attendance that they may progress towards the Supreme Goal and also blessed them that they may continue to serve Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan as they have been since the consecration festivities in 1992. After Raj Bhog Aarati, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous prasaadam after feeding over 100 invited Sants and Brahmacharis.
Jay Jay Shri Radhe Shyam!
Sri Sri Sarveshvara Bhagavan (centre) being worshipped by Shri Nimbarkacharya (right), his successor Shri Shrinivasa (left top) and his other disciple Shri Audumbaracharya (left bottom) on the banks of the Yamuna in Shri Vrindavana Dham. (Taken from the Radha Nimbarkavihari Mandira at Nimba Grama)
The Nimbarka Sampradaya has been on the planet since the time of Sri Nimbarkacharya. According to the Bhavishya Purana, Nimbarka Bhagavan was born 5104 years ago in Vaidurya Pattanam in Maharashtra, India. Modern scholastic investigation shows that Sri Nimbarka was en vogue 50 years before Shankaracharyas time.
Before the Sampradaya was known as the Nimbarka Sampradaya, it was known as the Hamsa Sampradaya, the Sanakadi Sampradaya (or Kumara Sampradaya) and the Devarshi Sampradaya. This is because the first Acharya was Sri Hamsa Bhagavan, the Swan incarnation of Shri Radha Krsna as explained in the 11th Skandha of the Shrimad Bhagavatam.
(Sri Hamsa Bhagavan – click thumbnail to enlarge)
His disciples were the four sons of Brahma – Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat Kumara. They wrote a treatise on Ashtayama Lila, and Gopi Bhava Upasana based on what Shri Hamsa Bhagavan taught. This is widely known as the Shri Sanatkumara Samhita.
(Sri Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sri Sanat Kumara Bhagavan – click thumbnail to enlarge)</p
They initiated their younger brother Narada Muni. Narada Muni is famous throughout all Puranic literature as the mind of the Lord. He is the foremost expert on Devotion, and his Narada Bhakti Sutras are the manual on devotion. He based this on the teachings he recieved from his Gurus.
(Sri Devarsi Narada Muni – click on thumbnail to enlarge)
Narada Muni then initiated Sri Nimbarka into the teachings that Sri Hamsa had propounded. Nimbarka, also known as Aruni because of being the son of Aruna Rishi, is mentioned in the Narada Bhakti Sutra as an excellent authority on Devotion, on a par to Hanuman and Vibheeshana.
Sri Nimbarkacharya had four main disciples – Sri Gauramukhacharya, Sri Audumbaracharya, Sri Laksmana Bhatta and Sri Srinivasacharya. Shri Shrinivasacharya is the incarnation of the Panchajanya Shankha of Shri Radha Krsna, and as such, he was anointed the next leader of the Sampradaya.
Shri Parashurama Devacharya was anointed as the next main Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya and told to preach in Mathura and Rajasthan. Shri Svabhurama Devacharya was given the areas of Haryana and Panjab. Both are members of their Guru’s Sampradayas and their is no difference between the two.
There are many followers of Svabhurama Dvara still in Vrindavan. Notably, the Kathiya Baba Ashrama is well established – its saints donning a chastity belt made of wood as an austerity. Also, the home of our Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja belongs to the Svabhurama Dvara.
Shri Radha Gopala Mandir at Shri Bihari Ji Ki Bageechi was founded by Swami Shri Haripriya Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaja in the 19th Century. He was an excellent scholar, who memorised all 18,000 verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam, the 742 verses of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita etc. He reformed the initiation practises of our Sampradaya – because at that time, some members of the sampradaya were initiating devotees into various unauthorised Mantras. In the Diksha Tattva Prakasha which he authored, he re-instated the Atharvaveda’s Gopalatapini Upanishad’s Gopala Mantra as the Original Mantra to be initiated into using evidence from the Visnu Yamala in which it states that the mantra given by Hamsa Bhagavan to the Sanakadi Rishis was the 18-syllabled Gopala Mantra of the Atharvaveda.
After Swami Haripriya Sharan came Swami Dampatti Sharana, and after him came the most respected Swami Shri Lalita Sharana Devacharya Ji Maharaja who attained abode in Nikunja only last year at the age of 103 years old. He is lovingly remembered as Parama Gurudeva, or ‘Dada Guru ji’. He accepted our Guru Maharaja as a disciple when Guru Maharaja was only a little boy of 4 years old, and taught him lovingly how to read, write, to serve the deities and to serve the Ashrama. He is the inspiration on which Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja draws on whenever he gives his lectures. It is through his blessings, Guru Maharaja reveals, that Shri Golok Dham Ashram could be accomplished.
Today, Kartik Shukla Purnima is the 5104th anniversary of the incarnation of Shri Nimbarkacharya Bhagavan on the earth.
This is also the last day of Shri Tulsi Mata-Shaligram Bhagavan Vivaha – the wedding of Tulasi Mata to Shaligram Bhagavan.
We wish the best of Paraa Bhakti to all the aspiring Vaisnavas and we seek the blessings of the Siddha Vaisnavas on this holy day. May we all, remembering the great teachings of the Lord and the method to attain him expounded by the Acharyas, progress to eternal bliss with the Lord.
Bhagavan Nimbarkacharya incarnated in Vaidurya Pattanam in Maharashtra as the young ‘Niyamananda’ and was a Tailanga Brahmana. He mastered all the spiritual sciences by his 12th year and left with his parents for Vrindavan. It was here, performing tapasya in Nimba Grama, right in between Govardhana and Barsana, that he was visited by Brahma Ji, who recognised him as the incarnation of the Sudarshan Chakra and bestowed upon him the name Nimbarka.
He performed severe austerities and survived by drinking only a mouthful of bitter neem juice once a day. Seeing his determination, Shri Narada Muni blessed him and initiated him into the Hamsa Sampradaya of Vaisnava Dharma. Narada Muni mentions Nimbarkacharya Ji in his Narada Bhakti Sutra as one of the great Acharyas of devotion. Nimbarka Bhagavan, on the direction of Narada Muni, composed his treatises on the Upanishads, Geeta and the Brahma Sutras and daily pracised his recitation of Gopal Mantra and worship of Shri Sarveshwar Bhagavan which resulted in the Supreme Vision of Shri Shri Radha Madhava. When the Lord revealed themselves, they reminded him of his eternal position as a Nitya-Mukta Vaisnava, who was the combined partial incarnation of the Lord – Shri Radha Rani’s expansion as Rangadevi and Bhagavan’s expansion as Aniruddha Bhagavan came together in this form of Nimbarka.
We worship him today specially with special Krishna-Prasada, and we take his blessings – may we continue to follow the path of the Vaisnavas.
Mangala Murati Niyamananda.
Mangala Yugala Kishora Hamsa Vapu, Shri Sanakadika Aananda Kanda.
Mangala Shri Lalitadi Sakhi Jana, Hamsa Vamsa Santana Ke Vrinda.
Mangala Shri Vrindavana Yamunaa, Tata Vamsivata Nikata Ananda.
Mangala Naam Japata Jay Shribhatta, Katata Aneka Janama Ke Phanda.
Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna, Krishna Krishna Radhe Radhe.
Radhe Shyaam Radhe Shyaam, Shyaam Shyaam Radhe Radhe!!
Auspicious is the divine form of Lord Niyamananda! (two meanings – one is Lord Shri Radha Krishna, who is the bliss or Ananda that arises from following the Vaisnava Niyams or regulations. Auspicious is the Divine Couple who incarnated in the form of Shri Hamsa Bhagavan (see Shrimad Bhagavatam Canto 11), auspicious are the four Kumaras, the abode of bliss. Auspicious are Shri Lalita Ju and the rest of the Sakhis, Manjaris etc who incarnated in the form of the Acharyas in the Guru Parampara of the Hamsa Sampradaya – (disciplic tradition of Shri Nimbarka). Auspicious is the Holy Dham of Shri Vrindavana, auspicious is the holy river Shri Yamuna Mata whose Vamshivata Banks are near to the residence of the parents of the Lord in his earthly pastimes. Most Auspicious is the Holy Name, which Shribhatta (Swami Shri Shribhatta Devacharya, the 15th Century leader of our Sampradaya) chants relentlessly, as it cuts away the noose of endless births.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj installed a beautiful deity of Shri Bala Krishna Bhagavan in the Gandhi Hall Mandir, Manchester on the 5th October 2008. Click the link on the right for pics and more info.
Please click on the link under ‘Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’ in the right hand column for more on this wonderful event (or click this permalink)
Video clips of Anup Jalota’s bhajans from the Lakshmi Narayan Yagya in Newcastle (Sept 2008) have also been added – see the Newcastle link or click here.
Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna Krishna Krishna Radhe Radhe,
Radhe Shyam Radhe Shyam Shyam Shyam Radhe Radhe.
Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya is the first of the Vedantic Vaishnava traditions. Vaishnavism is a religion within Hindu culture which occurs simultaneously with Sanatana Vaidika Dharma. The main focus is Lord Krishna who is acknowledged throughout the Vedic literature as the Supreme Lord. Within Vaisnavism, there are only FOUR BONAFIDE Vaisnava schools. (Later schools claim authenticity by claiming to be offshoots of these four). Nimbarka Sampradaya is first, followed by 11th Century CE Ramanuja Sampradaya (Shri Sampradaya), 13th Century CE Madhva Sampradaya (Brahma Sampradaya) and 16th Century CE Pushti Maarga / Vallabha Sampradaya (Rudra Sampradaya).
Shri Hamsa Bhagavan – Shri Radha Krishna Bhagavan incarnates to start off the teachings of this Sampradaya.
In the 11th Canto of the Shrimad Bhagavatam, Lord Brahmas sons (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat Kumara – the four Mind-born eldest sons of Brahma) ask him a question pertaining to Shri Krsna. Unable to answer it, Lord Brahma meditates on the Lord, and the gracious Lord incarnates as Shri Hansa Bhagavan, the Swan incarnation of Shri Radha Krsna.
Shri Sanakadi Bhagavan – Sanat, Sanandan, Sanatana and Sanat Kumar Bhagavan
The four mind-born sons of Brahma were created at the very beginning of creation by Brahma Ji, one for each direction. His orders were to go and procreate – however, these beings were enlightened, and instead took a vow to remain five-year-old celibate Brahmacharins and devoted themselves to the Lord.
data-adtags-visited=”true”>Brahma Ji was annoyed at first, but afterwards he cooled down. When they asked him a question regarding Shri Radha Krishna in the form of the all-pervading Supersoul, Brahma could not reply. Hamsa Bhagavan incarnated and taught the great sages about the glories of Shri Radha Krishna, their nitya lila (eternal pastimes). He initiated them into Vaishnavism, and gave them the all supreme Shri Gopal Mantra Raja, and the Sharanagati Mantra. He also gave them the Shri Shri Radha Sarveshvara Shaligram Shila Bhagavan to worship and serve. Shri Sanakadi Bhagavan then practised many austerities and had Darshana of the Supreme Lord Shri Shri Radha Sarveshvara through their worship of the Lord in this form. They composed a treatise on worship of the Lord in the feeling of a humble Gopi known as the Sanat Kumar Samhita. They have attained entry into the Nitya Lila and serve as Sakhis of the Lord.
Devarshi Shri Narada Muni Bhagavan
Shri Narada Muni was the younger brother of the quadruplets Shri Sanakadi Bhagavan. When he saw that they were supremely blissful, he realised they had attained enlightenment – Para Bhakti. He requested them to become his Guru; and they assented. Shri Sanakadi Bhagavan initiated Shri Narada Bhagavan. They passed on Shri Sarveshvara Bhagavan (the Original Shaligram Shila) to Narada Muni for him to serve and worship. They also instructed him about the worship of the Lord from the feelings of a Gopi, and also about Vedanta as they had themselves learned from Shri Hansa Bhagvan. Svabhavika Dvaitadvaita – simultaneous unity in diversity is the correct means by which all of the Vedic literature can be understood and they imparted this to Narada Bhagavan. They also initiated him into the highest Mantra – the Shri Gopala Mantra as well as the Sharanagati Mantra. From then, Shri Narada Bhagavan became completely devoted and wanders around the world spreading the glories of Shri Radha Sarveshvara Bhagavan through Kirtan and teachings. He also attained entry into the Nitya Lila.
Bhagavan Shri ShrinivasacharyaShri Shrinivasacharya is the incarnation of the Panchajanya Shankha of Lord Shri Krsna. At first, Shri Shrinivasa was a challenging Pandita who wanted to challenge Shri Nimbarkacharyas doctrine, but once he saw the perfectness of the solution of Shri Nimbarkacharya, he immediately submitted; and being the incarnation of the Shankha, he inwardly knew that this was none other than his own Brother and fellow servant of the Lord. Having taken initiation from Him, Shri Nimbarkacharya Bhagavan instructed him to go to Radha Kunda in Govardhana to practise his devotional austerities. Shri Shrinivasa asked for something which would please the Lord, and so Shri Nimbarkacharya composed the Shri Radhashtakam. Althought by worshipping either Shri Radha or Shri Krishna alone, one will worship both of them as they are inherent in eachother, Shri Shrinivasa wanted to help teach all other disciples, so Shri Shrinivasa reminded him that we teach the worship of the Conjoined/Unified Lord as Shri Radha Krishna; and so Shri Nimbarkacharya composed the Shri Krishnashtakam aswell.
Having gone to Shri Radha Kunda, he achieved the darshan and blessings of Shri Shri Radha Sarveshvara, and returned to his Guru Maharaj. Shri Nimbarka recognised that his disciple had achieved the darshana of the Lord and could see that he was now ready to take over. He handed him the deity of Shri Shri Radha Sarveshvara Shaligram Bhagavan and anointed him as the next Jagadguru of our Sampradaya. Before Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan re-entered the Vaikuntha Leela as Sudarshana Chakra and the Nitya Lila as Rangadevi Sakhi; Shri Nimbarka asked Shrinivasacharya to expound on his very concise Brahma Sutra commentary so that it could be accessible to all.
He completed this in the famous Vedanta Kaustubha; an indepth analysis of Vedanta, proving that the only sensible way that one can interpret it is through Svabhavika Dvaitadvaita Siddhanta. Indeed, he shows that this is THE philosophy by which Shri Vedavyasa wrote his Brahma Sutras; indeed, it is the philosophy of the Upanishads, Geeta and Veda. He also composed a Laghustavaraja prayer of 42 verses dedicated to his Guru, Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan.
Shri Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan
Shri Shri Sarveshvar Bhagavan is the oldest deity on the planet. Shri Hamsa Bhagavan presented this Shaligrama to the four Kumaras (Chatuh Sanaah) – the mind born sons of Lord Brahma. Shri Sarveshwar Bhagavan is the unified form of Shri Shri Radha Krishna. Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan was given to the Sanakadi Munis for them to worship and together with the chanting of the Shri Guru-pradatta Gopala Mantra Raja, they had the darshan of Shri Shri Radha Madhava, who physically entered into the Sarveshwar Bhagavan.
Having worshipped Shri Sarveshwar Bhagavan from the beginning of creation, on the arrival of their younger brother Narada Muni, they passed on the worship and seva of Shri Sarveshwar Bhagavan to him. Narada Muni, taking initiation from his older brothers worshipped and served the Lord Shri Sarveshwar Bhagavan and thus attained the highest level of devotion which he is renowned for.
Serving the Lord as Sarveshwara Bhagavan for many millions of years, on the advent of Kali Yuga, when Shri Narada Muni decided to pass on the teachings of Swabhavika Dvaitadvaita Siddhanta to the worthy Shri Nimbarkacharya, he also passed on the worship of Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan.
Shri Narada Muni bestows the seva of Shri Shri Radha Sarveshwara Bhagavan to Shri Nimbarkacharya Bhagavan on the occasion of his initiation.
The seva of Shri Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan has been thus passed on from Acharya to Acharya of the Nimbarka Sampradaya and has been worshipped with the highest Vaishnava standards.
Today, Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan is worshipped by His Divine Holiness Jagadguru Shri Nimbarka Pithadhishwara, Jagadguru Shri Radhasarveshwara Devacharya Ji Maharaj (Shri ‘Shriji’ Maharaj).
Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan is the foundation of our Sampradaya. Sarveshwar Bhagavan is only ever touched by the current Jagadguru and his main disciple (the future Jagadguru – Yuvaraj). They adhere to the strictest standards of Vaishnava ettiquette and arrange various festivals etc for the pleasure of the Lord.
Why? Because this very same Sarveshwar Bhagavan was the inspiration for the enlightenment of Sanakadi Munis, Narada Muni, Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan etc etc; Sarveshwara Bhagavan is the root of the Geeta Govinda of Jayadeva, of the Philosophical expertise of Swami Shri Keshava Kashmiri Bhattacharya, of the Devotional Brilliance of Swami Shri Shribhatta Devacharya evident in the Yugala Shataka, of the Devotional Humility evident in the Mahavani of Swami Shri Harivyasa Devacharya, as the foundation of the love of Swami Shri Haridas Ji and the root of the power of Swami Shri Parashurama Devacharya Ji Maharaj, whose disciples included the family of Meera Baai, and whose humility deeply impressed Shri Tulasidas.
Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan is the unified form of Shri Shri Radha Gopala, the form of the Kama Bija, the wish fulfilling tree of all Vaisnava devotees who have their Darshan. It is the original worshipped deity of the Lord by the highest Vaishnavas.
Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan inspired the building of Jaipur, was the centre of faith for all Rajasthani kings who opened their kingdoms to all Vaisnavas when the Muslims banished them from Vrindavan and Mathura – Shri Shrinath Ji and Shri Govindadeva and untold many others were all given great respect and prestige within the Rajasthani Kingdoms due to this.
There are many instances of Sarveshwara Bhagavan’s special grace on devotees – one such event was during the time of the previous Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya, Swami Shri Bal Krishna Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj. During a festival to celebrate his own Gurudeva’s disappearance festival (tirobhava tithi utsava) at the Salemabad Peeth, several thousand devotees attended, and the chief Rasoiya (devotee cook) ran to Jagadguru Ji saying that the food was about to run out. Shri Maharaj Ji said to him ‘Don’t worry! In the house of Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan, the Lord of all, the creator, preserver and destructor of everything; how can their be any shortages? Just give me one freshly cooked Puri and one Katori of Sabji.’ Maharaj Ji took this food and placed it on the solid Gold Thaali and went privately to the Mandir of Shri Sarveshwara Bhagavan. He devotionally placed the Thaal before the Lord and offered heartfelt prayers. He then came out of the Mandir with the Thaali and ordered the cooks to stop all cooking. He placed the Prasaadi Puri and Sabji in the main serving pots and said, ‘Now the Lord has provided direct Prasadam for the Vaisnavas. Feed them to their hearts content.’ So said, so done, and food that was prepared only for 1,500 people was enough for 8,000 people to till their stomachs and take some home.
This is just a little incident involving the Lord; over His million year time being worshipped by the Acharyas, he has performed many more. There is a publication on its way from Shri Sarveshwar Press in Salemabad, and when that comes out, I will try to translate it and put it up on here for you all.
Shri Shri Radha Sarveshwara Bhagavan Ki JAY!!!
Please listen to this wonderful Kirtan in praise of Shri Sarveshvara Bhagavan which I recorded at Shri Golok Dham Ashram on the tirobhav festival of our Parama Guru Maharaj, Swami Shri Lalita Sharan Devacharya. It is sung by the great Samaj Gayan expert, Swami Shri Rasik Das Ji from Vrindavan. This is the traditional, thousand year old, method of singing Kirtan in our Sampradaya. Dhrupada Music in Vrajabhasha was started by Swami Shri Shribhatta, and Swami Harivyasa Devacharya. Swami Shri Haridas Ji was such an expert, his sangeet disciples Tansen and Baiju Bawra are world renowned for their mastery over music. I shall make some more Samaj Dhrupadas available over the coming months.
In my wanderings through the internet-jungle, I have come across a website for the Swami Haridas Sampradaya – a modern offshoot of our own Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya.
Swami Haridas Ji belongs to the Nimbarka Sampradaya, and his followers are famous for (1) Shri Banke Bihari Ji – the main Mandir in Vrindavan is theirs and (2) Swami Haridas himself, the saint who caused the appearance of the Lord in the Deity of Shri Banke Bihari. Swami Haridas Ji (16th Century) is credited with many advancements in the Dhrupada style of classical music, and his famous disciple is Miyan Tansen, the court Musician to King Akbar. He was initiated to Swami Shri Ashudhir DevJi, and Swami Haridas Ji faithfully followed all the tenets of Sri Nimbarka Sampradaya, which resulted in the highest blessings – Actual Darshan of God…
So, there you go… this is why we follow the Nimbarka Sampradaya – not only is the philosophy authentic, but the methods result in perfection.
To find out more on the Haridasi Sampraday, the offshoot of our Nimbarka Sampraday, the link is on the right-hand column.
The modern offshoot sampraday that some of the zealous followers have created, led mainly by the learned Dr. Sharan Behari Goswami, has made many claims and they have also produced many publications which try to discredit the Nimbarka Sampradaya and its Acharyas in order to validate their claim as authentic Sampradaya.
All I have to say is that there is no mention of them in the scriptures as a separate Sampradaya. The accusations and defamations that Dr. Sharan Behari Goswami has made are VERY un-vaishnava. Therefore, do not be confused – Swami Shri Haridas Ji was, and will remain a faithful exemplary saint of the Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya.
Jay Shri Radhe!
Radhe Krsna Radhe Krsna Krsna Krsna Radhe Radhe!
Radhe Shyam Radhe Shyam Shyam Shyam Radhe Radhe!!
ON the 27th February 2011, in the most holy presence of Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya Shri Shriji Maharaj, and in the midst of hundreds of Mahants from Vrindavan, the groundbreaking Bhumi Pujan was performed for a new ”Shri Nimbarka Dvaara” or Shri Nimbarka Gate to be built on the Chatteekaraa-Vrindavan Road, just near the Food-For-Life centre.
Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya Shri Shriji Maharajji arrived and took the Sankalpa for the Bhumi Pujan of the Gate before worshipping the Lord and His shakti Prithivee Mataa, and then placed Ananta, Kurma and Varaha yantras in the foundations of the site where the pillars for the gate will be erected.
After the Puja, Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya Shri Shriji Maharaj was then escorted with great fanfare to the main seat on a stage nearby where he was the centre of a very rare sight – all the major Mahants of the Nimbarka Sampradaya, many great Kathakars, Vrindavan politicians and multitudes of devotees were assembled on the stage and in the audience. Shri Shriji Maharaj, along with Golok Dham Pithadhishwar Swami Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj and Shri Shyamsundar Beriwala Ji then lit the Sabha Lamp after worshipping Shri Yugala Sarkaar.
Acharya Pt. Shri Vishnukant Shastri gave the auspicious Mangalacharan for the proceedings with a Ghanapaatha of the famous Vaishnava mantra ‘Idam Vishnor Vichakrame’ of the Shukla Yajurveda. Following this, many respected Sants of all the Vaishnava lines in Vrindavan paid obeisances to Shri Shriji Maharaj and then addressed the gathering of over 600 people. The majority came up with the same sentiment ‘They will fully support the building of the gate in glorification of Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan, for without him, Shri Radha Krishna Upasana would not have entered Shridham’. Followers of the Ramanuja, Ramananda, Vallabha, Gaudiya, Radhavallabha, Haridasi and Smaarta Sampradayas all pledged generous donations towards the cause.
Before Shri Shriji Maharaj gave his blessings, Swami Shri Ras Bihari Das Kathiya Baba gave his blessings and encouraged all Vaishnavas to unite behind all the Acharya’s, supporting the worship of the Lord as he established it in the various Sampradayas. He also pledged a vast sum towards the construction of this gate.
Then, Sadgurudev Swami Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya, the founder of Shri Golok Dham Ashram, and inspiration behind this effort spoke of the need for Nimbarkis especially to show their respect to the Acharya’s who founded the traditions; as it is through their blessings that we have tasted Bhakti.
Finally Shri Shriji Maharaj gave his blessings and encouraged all by giving a very generous donation from the Salemabad Pith towards the cause.
Finally, devotees received prasaadam and blessings from Shri Shriji Maharaj before he departed, thus bringing the proceedings to a close.
For all devotees who are interested in the cause:
The architect expects a cost of around Rs. 3,000,000/.
Any donations can be made by contacting the Salemabad Pith or Shri Shyamsundar Beriwala Ji.
(Unfortunately I do not have their contact details, but you can check the Shri Nimbark Teerth Facebook page).
This section is dedicated to His Divine Grace, Sadgurudev ‘Dharmaratna’ Swami Shri Gopal Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj, the founder Acharya of Shri Golok Dham Ashram, Vrindavan (1992) and New Delhi (2004).
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj was initiated into Sannyasa at an early age by His own most revered Gurudeva, our Parama Gurudeva Swami Shri Lalita Sharan Devacharya Ji Maharaj, the former Mahant of Shri Bihari Ji Ki Bageechi in Vrindavan, India. He entered into the nitya lila at the age of 103 years in 2006.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj is the humble saint responsible for more than half of the UK’s Hindu mandirs – yet he finds his bliss in helping Hindu communities, helping Brahmanas, Vaisnavas and other Sannyasins to further the cause of Vaisnava and Sanatana Vaidik Dharma.
By the grace of the Lord and the divine guidance of Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaj, the devotees of Bradford, U.K. worked very hard in preparing their Mandir for the arrival of the Lord. In 2007, Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, together with HRH Prince Phillip, inaugurated the prayer hall and community centre of the Bradford Hindu Temple.
Bradford, the Queen and Shri Sadgurudev Ji maharaj
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj with HRM the Queen, HRH Prince Phillip, and the Chairman of the Bradford Hindu Cultural Society Aksharpal Dharani Ji.
This year, from the 16th to the 20th of April, 2008, the grand Consecration Ceremony was held and celebrated as the Prabhu Pran Pratishtha Mahotsava.
The first day consisted of Jala Yatra to the river in the Yorkshire Dales beside the famous Bolton Abbey to collect water and cleanse the deities before the commencement of the celebrations proper.
On the 17th morning, the Pujas started with invocation of the deities of the Mandalas, installation of Kalashes, and beginning of the first of the Adhivasas (immersions). The deities were immersed in water, grains, ghee, panchamrita, fruit and flowers before being requested to sleep in preparation for Prana Pratishtha (invocation of the life-forces of the Lord into the deities). The festivities also included many lectures, bhajans and Keertanas; with Aarti and bountiful Prasadam.
Click on any image below to enlarge.
The Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mahayagya took place in the auspicious presence of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj from Friday 12th September until Sunday 14th September 2008 at Newcastle Hindu Mandir, U.K.The Yagya was expertly organised, with more than 12 Brahmanas overseeing proceedings led mainly by the most Learned Yajurvedi Acharya Shri Medinipati Mishra (of Glasgow Hindu Mandir), Acharya Shri Dharma Datta Vashishta (of the Gita Bhavan Mandir, Birmingham), Acharya Shri Surendra Shastri (of Mississauga, Canada), and on the final day, the most Learned Yagyacharya, Acharya Pt. Shri Vishnukant Shastri (of Shridham Vrindavan).
The main organiser, co-ordinator, enthusiast, tireless and selfless guider, Acharya Pt. Shri Krishna Kant Attri, Hindu Chaplain to the British Armed Forces ensured that all was orderly arranged to facilitate a smooth programme of religious and cultural events which led to spiritual bliss for all attendees.
The first day saw the auspicious welcome of the inspiration of the whole proceedings, Shri Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj. Following this, the invocation of deities, consecration of the Yagya Mandapas, worship of tutelary deities, and finally Agni Manthan – materialising Agni Bhagavan through the fire drill (arani and manthaa). Agni Manthan took quite a while this time, as devotees whose diet was not pure took the ropes to churn the fire drills. Once they were tired (at about an hour later!) the Pandits took over, and within minutes Shri Agni Bhagavan appeared.
After this, the Yagya was performed and devotees retired for a lunch break. In the Evening, a wonderful programme of Traditional Kathak and Bharatanatyam Dance by 5 sighted and 5 blind dancers. How wondrous that these five blind dancers performed without mistakes in time, space or execution of moves. They were blessed by Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
Day two began with Sarvadeva Puja and Yagya. Once this was completed Swami Sukhabodhananda, from Bangalore gave a very entertaining and humorous talk on life management. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj then blessed the devotees with wise words of wisdom of the great Vedic Scriptures. In the Evening, a Bhajan Sandhya was arranged with Shri Anup Jalota performing his classics. He was accompanied on Tabla by the expert Shri Sunil Gossai, son of Shri Bankim Gossai MBE (founder of Shri Mahalakshmi Vidya Bhavan London), Shri Keeshan Eeshwarlal on Santoor and Shri Dhiren Raichuria on Guitar.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj gave Anup Ji two new Bhajans – ‘Guruji Prabhu Ka Darsha Karaaye’ (a composition of Shri Sadgurudev Ji), and ‘Hamse Na Mukha Moro Giridhara’ by Meerabai. Anup Ji proved that he was an all around expert (not as some think that he only knows his old bhajans), as he soulfully sang these two new bhajans composed on the spot.
On Sunday, the final Yagya was conducted with Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and Swami Sukhabodhananda giving the main Purnahutis. Wonderfully today, on Ananta Chaturdasi, two Amazing Vedic Brahmans from Shridham Vrindavan, Acharya Pandit Shri Vishnukant Shastri Ji (Nimbarki) and his son and expert Kathakar Acharya Pandit Shri Mridul Shastri Ji provided the correct Vaishnava proceedings for the conclusion of the Yagya as per the teachings of the Shri Nimbarka Sampradaya.
After this, a Sarvadharma Sammelan or Multifaith Service for peace was celebrated with the Bishop of the Northeast leading the prayers. Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Zororastrian, Bahai, Catholic, Protestant, Methodist and Jewish priests and delegates said prayers for peace and then the various attending dignitaries, including the commander general of the British Army, senior officers of the Navy and RAF, all recieved souvenirs and blessings from Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj. Shri Sadgurudev Ji also blessed the attending Major and senior officers in the Gurkha regiment. All in all, it was a wonderful presentation of Sanatan Dharma’s inclusivistic nature.
Jay Jay Shri Radhe Shyam!!!
After the most wonderful 4th Patotsava celebrations, Shri Shri Sadgurudeva Ji Maharaja, Shri Gautameshvar Mahadev Ji’s Mahamandaleshvar Swami Shri Svaroopananda Sarasvati Ji of Sihor, Gujerat and about 35 disciples from all over the world began a small Yagyanta Teertha Yaatraa (end of Yagya pilgrimage) to the holy temple city of Raameshvaram. Raameshvaram is the deity of Lord Shiva that Mother Sita herself created for Puja that was to be done by Lord Raama to seek Lord Shivas blessings. This was done just before He crossed into Lanka for battle to ensure that Lord Shiva would not be angered when Lord Raam would kill Ravana, as Ravana was Lord Shiva’s devotee. It is said that this Puja was officiated over by Ravana himself, as there was no-one who was more devoted to Lord Shiva, nor learned in Vedic tradition. Before the battle he came and officiated over proceedings. Such is the valour and greatness of Vaidik Dharma – even enemies come together to worship the Lord side by side, without bad thoughts in their minds.
On the first day, we all flew to Chennai, where lunch-prasadam was waiting at the airport for all devotees, braught by the devoted Aggrawal family of Chennai for all. After that was a short connecting flight to Madurai, where one night was spent before the 4 hour journey by road to Rameshvaram.
Darshana was had at Meenakshi temple of both Shri Meenakshi Mata (Parvati Devi) and Shri Sundareshvara Mahadeva (Shri Shiva Shankar Bhagavan). This is one of the older temples in South India; with over 1000 columns of solid rock, and huge towering Gopurams.
After spending one day there, we were off to Rameshvaram. Darshana was had at the place where Lord Rama performed Navagraha Puja before the battle – it is still there, half sunken into the sea. Then onwards to a hilltop where Lord Rama would hold His councils with His army before leaving for Lanka. Here, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and all devotees sang Hanuman Chalisa before resting for the night.
Next day was Raameshvara Darshan – only had after bathing in the Sea, then going to the temple where buckets of water from the 22 temple wells are poured over the devotee, purifying them before entrance to the Mandir itself. After Darshan at Rameshvaram, we drove to the Dhanush Koti point where Shri Raama ordered the Sea to bear the Bridge to Lanka – it is here where the Shri Raama Setu or Landbridge from Rameshvara to Lanka is. It is presently submerged, though viewable from aerial photos. The last night was spent back in Rameshvaram and the next day was the return to Delhi.
Shri Rameshvara Mahadeva Ki Jay!
Click on the thumbnails for enlarged darshan 8)
Shri Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan was established as Maha Lakshmi Satsang by Shri Bankim Gossai MBE and his fellow founding trustees 26 years ago on Diwali evening. Sine then he has been working to present Sanatan Dharma to those whose first language is English. His work was recognised by the Queen when she bestowed the MBE upon him in 2003. Many years ago in the home of the late Shri Satinder Parashar, Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj was giving a discourse to which Gossai ji was invited by Srimati Pushpa Prashar. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, being so impressed by Gossai Ji’s efforts made the declaration that when Gossai Ji would acquire a Mandir, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj would arrange for the Murtis and then arrange the Pran Pratishtha of the deities.
Although Sadgurudev Ji made this declaration, a Mandir wasnt even on the mind of Gossai Ji all those years ago in the 80‘s. Yet, in 1999 when the present site was acquired, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj reiterated his promise and on Shri Radhashtami day in 2002, the deities of Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan were installed by the lotus hands of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj arrived and recieved a Guru Puja performed by Shri Bankim Ji and Pt. Ramesh Charan ji, followed by Sri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj performing the 6th Year anniversary of the deities Aarti. He then gave a Pravachan on the meaning of Navratri (the 9 night festival of Durga Mata) for Vaishnavas; the meaning of the incarnation of the dwarapalas Jaya and Vijaya as daemonic persons for 3 births and the importance of morality in devotional religion.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj blessed all those present and praised Gossai Ji and the rest of MLVB for their dedication to the cause of Shri Satya Sanatan Vaisnava Dharma.
Please enjoy the video of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj leading Keertana. Gossai ji is sitting next to Gurudev, Rahul Brahmbhatt is leading the plethora of percussionists, Shri Sunil Gossai is on Tabla (the resident tabla maestro in London), and myself on harmonium.
Click on the thumbnails in the gallery to enlarge individual photos.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj visited the UK this autumn to attend the Lakshmi Narayan Yagya after which he went to Canada. On his way back to India, he stopped in England for Navaratri to install Shri Gopal Ji in Manchester’s Gandhi Hall Mandir; and he visited the Shri Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan in London to give his blessings to the congregation on the 11th October 2008.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj invokes the Lord with the Mula Mantra
In the Puranas, we are told of the unlimited blessings bestowed upon those dharmic persons who arrange the installation of the deity of Bhagavan Shri Krishna in a Mandir. Due to the blessings of their families, Bhagavan and Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the Bhandari Family of Manchester have taken up the holy vow to arrange for the installation of Bhagavan Shri Bala Krishna Bhagavan (Shri Lala Ji) in all the Mandirs in the U.K. which have yet to be blessed by his presence.
So, with the blessings of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the family made preparations along with the trustees and Pandit ji from the Gandhi Hall Mandir in Manchester, and on the 5th October, Shri Shri Laddu Gopal Ji was installed according to Vedic Rituals of our Sanatan Vaishnava Dharma in all the pomp and glory that the Mancunian devotees could muster.
Shri Laddu Gopal Ji was taken on procession around the Mandir, followed by the invitation of the various Mandala deities, the pujas, then the adhivasas, followed by the Prana Pratishtha, in which Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj himself invoked the presence of the Lord in his Archa Vigraha in order to bless the devotees who attend the Gandhi Hall Mandir for their devotions.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj then gave Ashirvachana, in which he blessed all those present with the sanctifying words and purifying teachings of our Vedic scriptures and as if as a sign of the perfect manner in which the Pratishtha was accomplished, a new-born Calf from a local farm was paraded infront of the Lord, and then offered KrishnaPrasadi Puja. This was followed by Aarati and prasadam.
Shri Radha Golokavihari Bhagavan Shri Radha Sarveshwara will continue to bless Anil Ji, Anita Mata (Neera), Sahil and Rishabh for their endeavours to facilitate devotion of the Lord throughout the country.
Shri Shri Bal Krishna Lal Ki JAY!
Pandit Shri Satyanand Sukul is descended from the Shukla Brahmanas of Uttar Pradesh; his father was a renowned Jyotishi Pandit in Guyana. Now serving the Guyanese Hindu Community of Mississauga in Canada, Pt. Sukul and the devotees had finally been able to build their own purpose-built Mandir.
He very humbly approached Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and beseeched him to guide them in their plans for the Praan Pratishtha ceremony of the deities of the Mandir. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj was then invited to preside over the crucial ceremony of Praan Pratishtha, and Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj took time out from his busy schedule to bless and guide the Indo-Caribbean Hindu devotees, who form the majority of attendees of the Lakshmi Mandir. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’s disciple Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan conducted the ceremonies assisted by Acharya Dhirendra Tripathi, Pt. Krishna Sharan Sharma from Golok Dham New Delhi; and Pt. Haribhajan Ji, Pt. Vrajbhushan Ji Sharma and his father Shastri Ji all assisted the proceedures.
Praan Pratishtha Day 1, 25th June 2009
The Praan Pratishtha commenced with Shobha Yatra and Varun Pujan with the Utsava Vigrahas and Kalashes to the Credit River where devotees performed invocations to Ganga Mata, Yamuna Mata and Varun Devata before bathing the deities and collecting water in the Kalashes for use in the Pratishtha.
Once this was done, the Dvaara Puja was completed by Pt. Sukul, the first entrance of the Mandir was completed with auspicious Vedic Mantras. The Priests went in preceeded by Kanya devis with Kalashes on their heads.
Pran Pratishtha day 2, 26th June 2009
The second day began with the intense Vedic Rituals being commenced. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj then entered with a deity for the Mandir braught from Shri Vrindavan Dham – Shri Bal Krishna Bhagavan. After parading Him around the Mandir, with Pt. Sukul being given the highest honour of carrying the Lord on his head, the Lord was installed first on the Sinhaasan of the Mandir. The Yajmaans then performed Jalaadhivas, Annadhivaas, Havan and then in the evening there were bhajans, keertans and pravachans. This culminated in Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’s Aashirvachan and then Aarti. All devotees partook of Vaishnav Prasaad at the end.
Praan Pratishtha day 3, 27th June 2009
The necessary rituals were completed followed by Havan and also the Panchamrit Abhishek and Ghritaadhivaas of all the Deities. In the evening the deities were put to sleep to rise the following morning. During this time Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj gave his blessings, and also completed the major rituals with his lotus hands. He established the Yantras and performed Abhisheka of all the Deities including a Rudrabhishekam of Lord Shivalingam.
Praan Pratishtha Final Day, 28th June 2009, Shri Heraa Panchami (Lakshmiji’s Utsav day)
On this grand day, the mandir was filled to the brim. The Yagya Purnahuti was performed, followed by the last of the Pujas. After this the energising of the limbs of the deities was performed by the revered Pandits, followed by Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj performing Samprokshana with the Kalash water worshipped for the 3 days, and then the Praan Pratishtha itself. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj invoked the presence of the Divine Lord and His partial energies to stay in the Lakshmi Mandir in the form of the Deities installed. This was followed by the removal of the eye coverings allowing the Lord to cast His first glance over the devotees and then Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj named all the deities in the Mandir. This was followed by Keertans, Bhajans and Pravachan before the first Darshan Aarti and Chhappan Bhog (annakut) Darshan occured. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj performed the Raj Bhog Pratham Darshan Aarti and offered prayers before leaving for India that very afternoon.
All in all, devotees worked extremely hard to make this festival a great success, and according to the devotees, without Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’s presence and guidance, nothing could have happened with all the building-work delays that occurred. Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj blessed the devotees of Mississauga and installed the presence of the Lord in the Lakshmi Mandir to recieve the devotions of the faithful and bless them.
Jay Shri Radhe Shyam!
June 14th 2009 – Satsang at Edinburgh Hindu Mandir, Scotland
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj’s relentless schedule of travel worldwide has only one purpose – to ensure the best for the Hindu community. Scotland has had quite bad luck – whereas other cities in the United Kingdom have had Mandirs built quite early on in the history of Hindus in the United Kingdom, the main Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow had very small Mandirs until 2004 when the deities of the New Glasgow Hindu Mandir were finally consecrated by Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, with Swami Ramdev Ji as a special guest.
In an effort to help the devotees of Edinburgh to also progress with the refurbishment and renovation of their fledgling Mandir, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj came to Edinburgh just a day before travelling to Canada to consecrate another Mandir.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj stayed with the devotees of Edinburgh and went for his usual early morning walk, but this time on Arthurs Seat; followed by Satsang at the Edinburgh Mandir later on.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj Ki JAY!
Shri Nimbarka Bhagavan Ki JAY!!
Jay Jay Shri Radhe Shyaam!!!
Hindus have been settling worldwide for a long time (since before Christ!), yet in the 1800‘s the British took many Indians as Indentured Labourers to the islands of Fiji, Mauritius, and the Caribbean. Guyana saw the influx of Indian labourers from 1835 onwards and over 200,000 Indians were transported over. Later on a few Brahmin families were also braught accross because of the language barrier that the British had with their indentured labourers. They acted as interpreters and through their brilliance also managed to secure land from the British, upon which they called their Indian fellows to work and live on – in conditions hundreds of times better than what the British had given them.
These great Brahmin families are unfortunately now few in number, and practising Brahmanas are indeed a rarity. In the UK, Shri Bankim Gossai MBE is a famous and worthy Hindu descended from the Gossai’s of Guyana. He establised the Shri Mahalakshmi Vidya Bhavan ( in South London, and has recieved numerous accolades and indeed Shri Sadgurudev Ji’s blessings for the tireless work he does to keep the flame of Hindu Dharma burning in the hearts of all descendants of India.
We were indeed very saddened by the news that his beloved brother and founder of Shri Bhuvaneshwar Mandir, New York, Shri Prakash Gossai, who worked tirelessly in North America & the Caribbean to reignite the love for Hindu Dharma amongst the diaspora, had passed away on the 15th June 2009 at the very young age of 56. He was advisor to the Office of the President of Guyana on Religious and Cultural Affairs. He had taken this position specifically to address the social issues facing the young Hindus of Guyana, and also to improve the quality of life for all in Guyana from a spiritual point of view. Shri Sadgurudev Ji lauds praise on this grandson of Bhaarat Mata, and son of Guyana, who made such a difference in thousands of people’s lives through teaching the Raamacharitmanas, the Bhajans and Keertans he used to sing, and the message of Vedic Philosophy of eternal happiness he gave when he delivered his discourses.
May Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan give him an eternal place at Their Lotus Feet.
On the 19th April 2009, the Bradford Shri Lakshmi Narayan Hindu Mandir celebrated their first anniversary of the installation of deities and consecration of the Mandir (Paatotsavam). It was a wonderful event graced with the presence of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj.
On the anniversary day, the Utsava Vigrahas of the Lord were given an Abhishekam followed by offerings of 108 flowers and fruits to each deity enthroned on the wonderful altar.
There were many firsts on this wonderful occasion: Shri Kaartikeyas Kalyaanam (the marriage ceremony for Lord Kartikeya) was performed by the revered Shivacharya who came specially from Australia to preside over it. The main event was the 7 day Shrimad Bhagavata Katha Saptaah which Shri Ashok Sharma Shastri from Shri Vrindavan Dham, India, presided over, immersing the devotees of Bradford in the bliss of the glories of the Lord for 7 days.
On returning to India, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj visited devotees in Kent and gave them Satsang before heading to the airport.
Please click on the pictures below to enlarge.
Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapurana is the last of the 18 Puranas composed by Shri Vyasadev Ji Maharaj at the commencement of this Yuga. Having composed the previous 17, he was saddened – he had shown everyone the methods of propitiating the various demigods and other deities; he had established Dharmic rites and conventions for those situated in Tamas, Rajas and Sattva Gunas, yet he still felt that he was unable to communicate the real goal of Human life through those works.
As if arranged by the Lord Themselves, Shri Narada Muni, the Guru of Shri Nimbarkacharya Bhagavan, appeared to Shri Vyasadeva and told him that the only way to alleviate the sadness that he was experiencing was to show people the way that surpasses even Sattva – the way of devotion. Thus he composed the Shrimad Bhagavatam, a collection of the pastimes of the Supreme Lord Shri Radha Sarveshvara as well as many prayers and guidances for use by those devotees who desire to be freed from sorrows once and for all.
The United Kingdom has had many ritual festivals, but the 7 day festival of the reading of Shrimad Bhagavatam remains in the minority of festivals held. With this in mind, Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj arranged for a great scholar of the Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapuran, Shri Ashok Sharma Shastri of Shri Vrindavan Dham, to come to the UK and discourse on the Shrimad Bhagavatam in the traditional Saptaah’s (7 days reading) in the various mandirs accross the United Kingdom.
The tour commenced in Bradford in April at the first anniversary celebrations; and then moved all over the country to the Gita Bhavan Mandir, Manchester; Nottingham Hindu Mandir; Newcastle Hindu Temple; Glasgow Hindu Mandir; and then with pravachans at Edinburgh Hindu Mandir; Mahalakshmi Vidya Bhavan, London; etc. It culminated in Belfast when Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj returned to give his blessings to all the devotees present.
Shri Bhagavat Mahapuran Ki JAY!
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj Ki JAY!
Jay Jay Shri Radhe Shyaam!!!
Shri Golok Ganga Mahayagya,
Sapt Rishi Ghat, Sapta Sarovar, Haridwar; Maghi Purnima 2011
By the grace of Shri Thakurji and through the inspiration of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the usual Maghi Purnima Yagya was held this time on the banks of Shri Ganga Mata in Haridwar over five days.
The programmes were centered around a grand Vedic Yagya complete with Yagyashala (the pavillion for the Yagya) being built according to the directions in the Vedas. The most famous Yagyacharya from Vrindavan, Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri Ji (Pattharpura, Shridham Vrindavan), his son Shri Mridul Kant Shastri Ji and his fellow Brajwasi Brahmanas from the Shri Narottam Shastri Seva Sansthan, were instrumental in the execution of this highly technical Vedic procedure.
Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj guided devotees to arrange the Yagya at the Saptasarovar Ghat where the Sapta Rishis heard the Shrimad Bhagavatam. The benefits of performing such a pure Yagya are being felt by all that participated.
Day 1: The Yagya commenced with the Dashavidha Snaan – standing in the cold Spring weather, all devotees led by Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj and Swami Shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji of the Shri Gautameshwar Mahadev Mandir in Sihor, Gujerat, stood in the Ganga and bathed with 10 different purifying substances, a Vedic purification ritual before starting such a Yagya. Then there was the usual Pujas and official entrance into the Yagyashala. After the day long Yagya, devotees enjoyed Satsang in the presence of Agni Narayan and all the invited and worshipped Deities on their various Mandalas, with the blessings of Thakur Shri Shri Radha Golokavihari Ji Bhagavan.
Day 2: After the usual morning bath that devotees enjoyed in the presence of Shri Sadgurudev Ji Maharaj, the Pujas commenced, followed by the Yagya. In the afternoon, various renowned Sants and Swamis visited and gave their blessings to the devotees for performing such a yagya, the likes of which had not been seen there for many decades.
Day 3: After the usual Snaan, Puja and Yagya, the proceedings for the Yagyopaveeta Samskar of some of the male children of the devotees began. Swami Shri Arjun Puri Ji blessed the evening Satsang with his attendance, and being a close friend of Shri Sadgurudevji Maharaj, he also participated in the Yagya.
Day 4: Swami Chinmayanand, MP and Head of the Ashram at Saptsarovar Ghat blessed devotees with his presence, and he participated in the evening’s worship of Lord Shiva in the form of Dwadasha Shivalinga Archana and Abhisheka. The Yagyopaveeta, Vedaarambha and Samavartana Samskaras were performed for the boys.
Day 5: Purnahuti and Vasorddhaara concluded the Yagya. There was also Gaudaan, Yagyaanta Snaan. After this, the main concluding functions started. First was the 151 Litre Milk Abhisheka of Thakur Shri Radhagolokavihari ji Bhagavan, whose charanamrit flowed for Lord Shiva-Parvati Abhisheka and then went down the Ghat Steps (over 30 feet high) via banana-tree-trunk-guttering to Ganga Mata. There was then a Deepak Archana of Ganga Mata. In the Evening, Swami Chidaanand Muni Ji of Shri Parmarth Niketan in Rishikesh, accompanied by over 300 devotees attended the evening Ganga Aarati in appreciation of the successful conclusion of Shri Golok Ganga Yagya which was finally finished off with a Chhappan Bhog offering of Thakurji’s prasaadam to Shri Ganga Mata, then a Raasa Leela performance and then Braahmana Vidaayi.
Indeed, it was a once in a lifetime event, in which the grace of Shri Golokvihari Ji Bhagavan, Shri Gopeshwar Mahadev, Shri Ganga Mata and Shri Gau Mata was received by all.
Radhe Radhe!
In February, I had the great bles